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About the Initiative
The AgeWise Maine Initiative is a collaboration of the state’s Agencies on Aging powered by USAging grant funding. Our mission is to make it easy for every Mainer to get their annual COVID-19 and Flu vaccines, particularly those 60+ or living with a disability. In partnership with Northern Light Health, we’re offering vaccine clinics in communities across Maine again in Fall 2024 so that thousands of residents get immunized to stay healthy and focused on doing the things they love.
Stay Wise. Stay Up-to-date.
Everyone age 6 months+ should be vaccinated this fall for the new strain of Covid-19. The Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices has authorized a new Covid-19 vaccine formulation for the fall of 2024.
Everyone age 6 months+ should get a flu shot this fall.
The AgeWiseMaine Initiative immunization clinics will be offering a specific flu shot for people age 65+.
Learn More About Your Local Agency on Aging
Founded under the authority of the federal Older Americans Act, the Area Agencies on Aging are non-profit organizations dedicated to planning and implementing social services for adults age 60+, prioritizing those with the greatest economic and social need, including low-income individuals, BIPOC communities, and individuals residing in rural areas. Learn more about your local Agency on Aging below:

Counties Served: Cumberland (except Harpswell and Brunswick only) and York
30 Barra Rd., Biddeford,
ME 04005

Counties Served: Aroostook
260 Main Street, Suite B,
Presque Isle, ME 04769

Counties Served: Androscoggin, Franklin, and Oxford
8 Falcon Road, Lewiston, ME 04243

Counties Served: Cumberland
(Harpswell and Brunswick only), Kennebec, Knox, Lincoln, Sagadahoc, Somerset, and Waldo
One Weston Court Suite 109,
Augusta, ME 04330

Counties Served: Hancock, Penobscot, Piscataquis, and Washington
240 State St.,
Brewer, ME 04412
Frequently Asked Questions
For Covid-19 immunizations, you’re current once you complete your primary series and have received the most up-to-date booster dose recommended by the CDC (i.e. the updated bivalent booster). When it is time for your booster, you’ll be given the most up-to-date booster available.
The AgeWiseMaine Initiative clinics will be offering a flu vaccine specifically for people ages 65+ as well as the standard vaccine for anyone younger than 65.
CDC recommends that adults 50 years and older get two doses of the shingles vaccine called Shingrix (recombinant zoster vaccine) to prevent shingles and the complications from the disease.
Shingrix is more than 90% effective at preventing shingles and PHN. Immunity stays strong for at least the first 7 years after vaccination.